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- Dilwara Temple, Rajasthan
Previous Next Email Studio Conductors Semester Subject Student Name Kaankshi Shah Architectural Theory V Ar. Harshada Shintre, Ar. Nachiket Kalle kaankshi19@aoamumbai.in : : : : : : : : : : LEGIBILITY: The Dilwara Temple of magnanimous scale and intricate complexity presents comfort to mankind. This is acknowledged with symmetry permitting to read the structure holistically by being visually balanced. The repetitive nature of colonnades set out as attendants offering a specific trajectory and eliminating the idea of getting lost. PENETRABILITY: The Dilwara Temple builds an environment to allow itself, its spaces and barriers to be intercepted by the dwellers. The perception of elements like – light, pause points, scale, mass, void, opacity, transparency and levels create or obstruct visual connect and promote engagement. OCCUPIABILITY: The Dilwara Temple builds an environment to allow itself, its spaces as a pause point and encourage people to occupy it due to its location and the perception of it at a glance. It is an interception for users to pause due to its grandeur which in turns dictates safety. SOCIABILITY: The Dilwara Temple builds a domain for social contact which catalyzes informal encounters among people. The temple puts forward a welcoming habitat with lenses of visual and physical perception of safety and human comfort by use of elements of light, openness, scale, complexity and detailing as the foremost components. POSSESSABILITY: The Dilwara Temple builds a domain in which it offers itself up for possession. The temple opens up a bond with its devotees and develops a notion to feel home due to its ambience of peace and harmony which settles the unsettled. The sense of familiarity, comfort and safety assists for attachment and belonging to the space. Dilwara Temple, Rajasthan
- DAC_Housing and Futuristic Typologies_MERAKI - My Relaxing Palace (Top 30) | AOA Confluence '22
Previous Next MERAKI - My Relaxing Palace (Top 30) Email Semester Competition Name Student Name Harshil Jain; Priyanshi Hiran Archresource Farm - a -cation IX harshilj17@aoamumbai.in priyanshih17@aoamumbai.in : : : : : : : : Competition Brief: The competition aims to develop a strategy that not only serves for materialistic development but also looks into science and nature. Narrative: ‘Meraki’, this term is often used for something which belongs to the Soul. As famously quoted, ‘Home is where the heart is’, houses have always been the peaceful place for the human soul. However, due to the hustle of city life, the interaction of the human soul and the house has gone for a toss. The intent of the design proposal of the The farmhouse is to rejuvenate this interaction of the human soul and the house. As a breakaway from the city life, the farmhouse has been proposed on the outskirts of the town of Malapurram in the state of Kerala. The design proposal intends to create a play of Active and Passive spaces to allow Public interaction and also give Privacy to the users to have an interaction with the soul. Timelessness has been considered as the key intention of the design and the same has been tried to be achieved with the use of Light, Spaces and Volumes. Along with connecting spaces to nature, the design also intends to allow the users to pursue their hobbies and also develop new hobbies and interests. Kerala being famous for its vernacular architecture style, the design utilises Brick and Concrete for the Farmhouse and Wattle and Daub technique for the Barns and Temporary structures. Lastly, the entire moment and journey within the farmhouse has been proposed such that it leads to interaction with the soul.
- Design_Thesis_A.C.T.I.V.E. – Altering Cognition Through Interactive & Voluntary Engagement | AOA Confluence '22
Previous Next A.C.T.I.V.E. – Altering Cognition Through Interactive & Voluntary Engagement Email Guide Semester Subject Student Name Kevin Shah Thesis X Ar. Snehal Gaikwad kevins16@aoamumbai.in Issuu Link https://issuu.com/aoa_confluence_2022/docs/kevin_shah_35_final_thesis_presentation : : : : : : : : : : : Ar. Milind Amle, Ar. Swati Chokshi, Ar. Rajratna Jadhav, Ar. Snehal Gaikwad, Ar. Swapna Hankare, Ar. Richa Raut, Ar. Yagnik Bathija, Ar. Neha Panchal, Ar. Porus Master, Ar. Rahul Manohar, Ar. Sanjay Mehta : Studio Conductors : : : Video Links : Project Relevance: The project is an attempt towards reviving the social aspect in the daily lives of the habitants in Versova Koliwada by conservation and convergence of the existing patterns of livelihood. Inducing interdependent configurations of engagement keeping occupation and culture as catalysts will not only improve their cognitive capabilities, but also harness the declining sense of belonging and reduce threats of commodification that the community is facing or would face in the near future. Project Synopsis: The design focuses on creating a mélange of micro social transitional spaces that encourage cross interactions between the community members by reviving the traditional socialism aspect which somewhere has become Vulnerable and fast diminishing. The design forms a platform for exchange In terms of occupational, cultural & other ancillary topics. Creating a circuit of socialism within the design and around the design allows multiple points to activate ranging from micro social spaces ideal for one on one interaction to macro social volumetric spaces that can indulge the Entire community. There by increasing and reviving the existing social Essence of the community and in turn improving the overall work and living Environment & cognitive wellbeing.
- Design_Thesis_Apparatus of Amusement | AOA Confluence '22
Previous Next Apparatus of Amusement Email Guide Semester Subject Student Name Aum Gohil Thesis X Ar. Neha Panchal aumg16@aoamumbai.in Issuu Link https://issuu.com/aoa_confluence_2022/docs/apparatus_of_amusement_presentation : : : : : : : : : : : Ar. Milind Amle, Ar. Swati Chokshi, Ar. Rajratna Jadhav, Ar. Snehal Gaikwad, Ar. Swapna Hankare, Ar. Richa Raut, Ar. Yagnik Bathija, Ar. Neha Panchal, Ar. Porus Master, Ar. Rahul Manohar, Ar. Sanjay Mehta : Studio Conductors : : : Video Links : ‘Apparatus of Amusement’ started with the understanding of the age of Anthropocene and the impact that humans have on the surroundings, through the commodified world we live in. The consumerist strategies lead to a numb state of mindless consumption at the epitome of consumerist typology of the ‘shopping mall’. These extravagances lead to the collective notion of excesses termed as ‘waste’. The project challenges to reverse the conventional notion of retail in a hyper-mediated urban setting of Irla in Mumbai, by using the post-consumption objects in our ‘buy and discard’ society, oscillating roles of a consumer to provide radical solutions to move towards ‘circularity’ The project proposes at three scales- Repurpose decentralized system, Repurposing of the Prime mall and Irla street project intervention. The journey for the role-players starts with a path being chosen based on the anchors of the retail for post-consumption, plastic households, garments, fashion and smartphones electronics. The role-players go through individual processes to repurpose a specific object. The programmatic components include the wall of labor as protagonist, the apparatuses, the event space, the hall of experiments, and the labyrinth consumer’s playground. The project tries to reframe the role of humans in the social and ecological sphere as a shift in the current paradigm for decentralizing ways to manage our objects in our ‘buy and discard’ society.
- Design_Technical Design_Vertigetry | AOA Confluence '22
Vertigetry Previous Next Email Guide Semester Subject Student Name Dhanashree Jadhav Technical Design IV Ar. Shripad Bhalerao, Ar. Karan Danda, Ar. Amey Ghosalkar dhanashree19@aoamumbai.in Studio Conductors Ar. Shripad Bhalerao, Ar. Karan Danda, Ar. Amey Ghosalkar : : : : : : : : : : : The project is based upon exploring various forms and shapes using concrete, aggregate and reinforcements. The project started by making various sketches and finalizing one form and figuring out the dimensions of the product. This was done by making process models using file-card material. The shapes were divided in two categories- span and height. The next step was to make casts for making RCC models. The casts were made from sunboard material. These casts were filled with cement concrete and reinforcements of steel wires. The concrete took 2-3 days to dry up. The products were then de-moulded and documented.
- Technical_Technical Design_The Brick Screen | AOA Confluence '22
Previous Next Email Guide Semester Subject Student Name Ayushi Mahajan, Miriam Thomas, Yusra Zahoor Technical Design III Ar. Prerna Thacker, Ar. Harshada Shintre miriamt20@aoamumbai.in , yusraz20@aoamumbai.in , ayushim20@aoamumbai.in Studio Conductors Ar. Prerna Thacker, Ar. Harshada Shintre : : : : : : : : : : : Through this exercise, we dealt with design considerations on the basis of function and climate. We understood how passive architecture responds to the surroundings and environment, the layout, fabric, and form to reduce or remove mechanical cooling, heating, ventilation, and lighting demand. Each facade was studied with respect to its requirements and heat gain and fenestrations were designed keeping in mind the climatic conditions of the school. The Brick Screen
- Design of a residential landscape 2
Previous Next Email Guide Semester Subject Student Name Karishma Kaur Hooda, Dhruvanshi Sanghavi, Ameya Thanawala Allied Design - Landscape V Ar. Swapna Hankare, Ar. Devayani Deshmukh Upasani, Ar. Swati Desai, Ar. Shweta Sharma karishma@aoamumbai.com Studio Conductors Ar. Swapna Hankare, Ar. Devayani Deshmukh Upasani, Ar. Swati Desai, Ar. Shweta Sharma : : : : : : : : : : : The brief revolves around 4 members of a family. Analyzing the site, the existing trees would naturally help to create expansive and secluded spaces, stream and the rivulets can be utilized for their auditory qualities with the textural quality of water edge, naturally creating a multi-sensorial stimulation. The design further develops into a converging-diverging connection, then towards the planting scheme accentuating the effect and finally to achieve the graphical quality by joining the lines. The driveway is managed at a slope of 1:12-20, (as the driveway can be used for walking also) leading to the bridge. Various small paths at slope 1:18 converge at the entry point. The driveway spills into a plaza at +9 m which encircles the multipurpose lawn which is placed at + 6.5m, the lawn itself has a mound rising to +8m that defines the boundaries for the multipurpose space. The cycling paths of 2m and trail paths of 1.2 m are carved out at slopes of 1:15-1:18 with plazas marking the junctions and pause points. Trail paths use steps at steeper slopes. Bridges are provided over the valley lines to maintain the natural site drainage. Explorative and discovery zones are connected by a foot-over bridge which leads to various plazas at 4 m level which terminates to reading niches at multiple levels. The master plan pictures the play of textures and colors throughout the site. A strong to a subtle transcending graphical composition from the south towards north interspersed with encircling pathways that revolve around a flower bed, water edge, dense bamboo groves, low height trees, vegetable gardens give a varied volumetric experience through the site. Finally, our overall takeaways help us understand plantation clustering and arrangements creating a rhythm of hardscape and softscape. Bamboo groves make engagement visually transcending from horizontal to vertical plane and permeability in addition to the vegetation with colors and textures, skyline, light and shadow effects. Design of a residential landscape 2
- Representation_Technical Design_Arithmetic Modes Representation 5 | AOA Confluence '22
Email Semester Subject Student Name Kaankshi Shah Tech Design V kaankshi19@aoamumbai.in Studio Conductors Ar. Saurabh Mhatre, Ar. Harshada Shintre : : : : : : : : : ILLUSTRATION 1: It is a representation in the style of OM Ungers, characterized by a strict geometric grid with simple design elements. The building is depicted as a miniature city by simplifying the surrounding context and highlighting each plane with a typical set of lines developing a pattern within. ILLUSTRATION 2: It is a representation in the style of Arata Isozaki, strongly shaped by the destruction and possibilities of industrial society. It illustrates the tension between ambition and trauma for transformation by hiding the actual size and shape, arrangement of rooms, and circulation routes inside the building. All this is concealed under the dominant layer of sciography in the backdrop Previous Next Arithmetic Modes Representation 5
- Representation_Architectural Design_Natural Phenomena | AOA Confluence '22
Email Guide Semester Subject Student Name Sanika Talekar Architectural Representation and Detailing I Ar.Nikita Sharma, Ar.Ronal Savla, Ar. Anisha Mehta, Ar. Rohit Karekar, Ar.Shivani Mehta sanikat20@aoamumbai.in Studio Conductors Ar. Nikita Sharma, Ar. Ronak Savla, Ar. Anisha Mehta, Ar. Rohit Karekar, Ar. Shivani Mehta : : : : : : : : : : : The exercise helped me understand the application of design principles in composition that creates visual harmony. It helped explore various colour schemes, alignments and text styles. Efforts were made to integrate basic principles of eye movement and flow, into the composed spread. Trying out concept sketches to decide the placement of texts and graphics on the encyclopedia spread helped decide on a more balanced composition. The importance of design principles - hierarchy, emphasis & rule of thirds, was understood through the composition process. Previous Next Natural Phenomena
- DAC_DAC Competitions_Amphitheatre : Productivity + | AOA Confluence '22
Previous Next Amphitheatre : Productivity + Email Semester Competition Name Student Name Chandraneil Kumbhare Dhaval Mistry DAC - Academy's Recess - Rethinking Amphitheatre Area VIII chandraneilk17@aoamumbai.in dhavalm17@aoamumbai.in : : : : : : : Competition Brief: Academy's Recess proposes the generation of architectural ideas for outdoor activities for the institution's amphitheatre area while retaining the original functionality of the space. Interaction and Activity in a natural environment is the key focus of the competition. Narrative: Creating an Identity of the Amphitheater Area An Amphitheater is generally used for a function to take place. Considering the size of ours, an amphitheater can be used for a medium-size gathering, small events, and as the amphitheater is shady and windy enough it can also be used for relaxation during the break and works as a good place for discussions or some Electives /College Projects to display. But currently, it has been used as just an open space of the campus. The reason for that is the space Amphitheater in itself doesn’t have an identity of its own. Thus, we now need to make such “identities” in the Amphitheater which will make the people create the vision of that space from just its name. Those identities are simple objects which everybody knows and also helps in the functioning of the Amphitheater space but they have a distinct character to itself which make them unique. The name for them is as simple as one would call them while just looking at it without knowing the terminology, like :- 1. The Yellow Steps. 2. The Green Shade. 3. The Mushroom Stands. 4. The Frame of AOA.
- Research_Allied Design_Chihuahuan Desert Grasslands & Coppice Woodland | AOA Confluence '22
Previous Next Email Guide Semester Subject Student Name Rashi Bhansali, Mithila Gadag, Nidhi Khot, Isha Patil, Laxaree Sawant Allied Design - Landscape IV Ar. Swapna Hankare, Ar. Devayani Upasani, Ar. Swati Desai, Ar. Shweta Sonakia ashi19@aoamumbai.in , mithila19@aoamumbai.in , nidhik19@aoamumbai.in , ishap19@aoamumbai.in , laxaree19@aoamumbai.in . Studio Conductors Ar. Swapna Hankare, Ar. Devayani Upasani, Ar. Swati Desai, Ar. Shweta Sonakia : : : : : : : : : : : After millions of years of evolution, the lithosphere adapted into varied landscape typologies. From parched xeriscapes to lush green forests, the climate and the geographical conditions highly influence the landscape of a region. The dry land at the borders of the US and Mexico adorns grasslands and thorny cacti that bloom in the summer with a range of animals from the giant bison to the small prairie dog. These Chihuahuan grasslands are subjected to encroachment to shrubs and are currently under conservation of the Malpai Borderlands Group. Coppicing is the woodland management technique of repeatedly felling trees at the base and allowing them to regrow to provide a sustainable supply of timber. They traditionally consist of deciduous trees and are the natural habitat of many small birds and creatures. Chihuahuan Desert Grasslands & Coppice Woodland
- Research_Allied Design_Fazenda Capoava de Itu | AOA Confluence '22
Previous Next Email Guide Semester Subject Student Name Simran Ajgaonkar, Bhoomika Chaudhari, Atharva Girme Allied Design - Landscape IV Ar. Swapna Hankare, Ar. Devayani Upasani, Ar. Swati Desai, Ar. Shweta Sonakia bhoomika@aoamumbai.in , atharvag19@aoamumbai.in , simrana@aoamumbai.in Studio Conductors Ar. Swapna Hankare, Ar. Devayani Upasani, Ar. Swati Desai, Ar. Shweta Sonakia : : : : : : : : : : : The study can be described as the one in which “Structures were designed to complement the landscape and not vice-versa.” It is a Former property of renowned Brazilian landscape architect Roberto Burle Marx, with lush grounds & artwork in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The site has a couple of structures, the architect's house, chapel, pergola and pavilion zone, Atelier (art gallery), Loggia (semi-open arcade that the architect used as art-making space) The remaining site of 400 thousand sq.m. has rich vegetation with 3,500 species of Tropical and subtropical plants found out of which most of them are Brazilian native. 53 species named after him can be seen here! Peculiar features of landscape design are - A pop of color in the landscape to drive focus The layering of heights of plants to create foreground, midground & background. Texture arrangement to make spaces look larger or smaller. Using colors to define vivid moods and emotions in users in different zones A great place to study and experience the landscape in its raw, natural yet manicured form. Fazenda Capoava de Itu