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Student Name
Ameya Thanawala
Technical Design
Ar. Rohit Karekar
Studio Conductors
Ar. Richa Raut, Ar. Geetesh Varte, Ar. Rohit Karekar, Ar. Pranay Bhavsar, Ar. K.V.Parmeshwar
The Project puts forward a challenge of detailing a shell (originally a masonry vault) in Structural Steel. This material opens up a broad range of design choices and exploration with the structural systems.
The structure rests on a foundation which consists of abutments for the shell and isolated footings of the stanchions interconnected to form a strong resilient foundation. The Columns are placed in such a way that with beams it facilitates the making of the flowy mezzanine. The shell has structural members from edge lamella to primary, secondary forming a square grid. The alternate roofing of G.F.R.C. panels and glass panels flood the space with light and create a transcedental space quality. The staircase takes advantage of rolled steel sections to create a curved cantilevered staircase connecting the levels.
The Project also explores Urine Diverting Dry Toilets across Two levels and resolves the waste management and segregation. The byproducts are used in the farms on the site itself. The roof drainage is catered to with a rain water collection puddles which harvest water and take it to the harvesting tank. Thus the structural technology creates an iconic image for the school at the same time generates products beneficial to the school.
Undulating Envelope
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