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Student Name
Mansi Parocha
Design Dissertation
Ar. Prof. Swati Chokshi
Issuu Link
Ar. Milind Amle, Ar. Swati Chokshi, Ar. Rajratna Jadhav, Ar. Snehal Gaikwad, Ar. Swapna Hankare, Ar. Richa Raut,Ar, Yagnik Bathija, Ar. Neha Panchal, Ar. Porus Master, Ar. Rahul Manohar, Ar. Sanjay Mehta
Studio Conductors
The urban cities have constantly been exposed to a change in ability to socialize, build form, space and environment. The cities have fairly adapted to these changes in every aspect due to the over growing population, change in housing typology and the economical changes. There are noticeable changes in the housing typology as well which can be visually noticed even though not experienced. There are various housing typologies observed in the cities depending on various demographics such as number of occupants in the family, types of user groups, age groups,etc. Making it a subjective topic. Due to rapid urbanization, cities are growing day by day and also there is a demand for the residential sector because of migration and also the cities are getting denser and highly populated. Present day need for shelter is increasing due to an increase in population. Hence, housing and redevelopment is a subject of curiosity among the working class of the city. The construction of high density low-rise housing apartments was an attractive option for lower and middle-income buyers as the cost of construction is less for such developments making the purchase affordable for them. In such dense living environments, it is important to know whether the social and psychological needs of people are fulfilled in order to achieve a healthy physical environment.
Housing is a composite commodity that fulfills various needs. It is not just a dwelling unit because it is required to fulfill various human needs of socializing, security, engagement with the neighborhood, etc.The needs of humans are vast apart from just a basis need for shelter it is important to be well informed about the social spaces in a community living and how it molds the social lifestyle of a person. The relationship between humans and the built environment is diverse and also it helps use to understand their idea of socializing and adaptive measures to be taken while proposing a redevelopment project in such scenarios.
The study tries to find out many ways of establishing social well being in redeveloped structures and how to engage people in socializing and community based interactions. It also studies the life in chawls in urban context and the use of space or their adaptive activities in order to live in chawls.
Keywords: Social well being, community spaces, built environment, communal spaces, interactive neighborhood.
Reviving Community Interactions and Activities in the Neighborhood
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