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Student Name
Adish Rathod
Design Dissertation
Ar. Shripad Bhalerao
Issuu Link
Ar. Rohit Shinkre, Ar. Shripad Bhalerao, Ar. Yashwant Pitkar, Ar. Sulakshana Bhanushali, Ar. Nachiket Kalle, Ar. Shruti Barve, Ar. Akbar Biviji, Ar. Harshada Bapat Shintre













Studio Conductors




The idea for this Dissertation comes from a simple thought about expanding cities and the burden caused by rapid urbanisation. With these initial factors a relation could be drawn as to how these factors are leading to more unorganised jobs, leading to issues such as hunger and migration patterns which make life tougher for urban individuals.

Having these basic issues in mind, the Dissertation dives deeper into how these factors affect the city in social and economic factors, leading to a larger picture of what lifestyle the people of the city lead and how accessible basic necessities such as food, recreational spaces are to the urban population.

Thus the topic explores various interventions that can be carried out on various levels throughout the city, trying to integrate all stakeholders to share their knowledge, create circular systems and eventually create a sustainable community that helps transform these interventions into regular practice and involve as many people as they can to live a better urban life.

Farming As A Means Of Community
Building & Social Development

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