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Student Name
Karishma Kaur Hooda, Dhruvanshi Sanghavi, Ameya Thanawala, Neha Jayasanker, Mansi Bhatia
Allied Design - Landscape
Ar. Swapna Hankare, Ar. Devayani Upasani, Ar. Swati Desai, Ar. Shweta Sonakia
Studio Conductors
Ar. Swapna Hankare, Ar. Devayani Upasani, Ar. Swati Desai, Ar. Shweta Sonakia












The royal garden has a formal manicured nature with radiating pathways. The arrangement of trees is a peculiar note. Also the serpentine gallery has a driveway approach.Serpentine Pavilion is located in the lawn of the Serpentine Gallery which has a main driving access and multiple radiating approaches . The site is also near to the Serpentine river and has a formal manicured landscape with various arrangements of trees.
The landscape arrangement of the setting portrays a contrast in terms of tree arrangement. The tree line near the serpentine Victorian structure is linearly aligned one-point perspective to border a user walking path, inducing a sense of direction and imparts formality in user-movement. These trees are equally spaced and all being of the same type and size.
On the other hand , the unequal sizes and densities of trees gives an organic informal character to the landscape setting.
We observe the cloud like nature of the for. and how this organic nature merges with the sky as well as the landscape.
Here we have created a color palette to show how different colors in the context create different spatial feels when perceived together, like the sky along with latticework and anti slip glass creates a limitless feel. The sky weather and lattice creates a mystical feel together, the lattice work along with the manicured landscape and sky creates a distinction between the foreground and background, whereas the contrast of the lattice work to the night sky and trees creates a focus on the pavilion at night.

Serpentine Pavillion

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