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Studio Conductors
Student Name
Palak Bhattad
Architectural Building Services
Ar. Richa Raut, Ar. Rohit Karekar










Recycle it all no matter how small
The main aim is to make people realize that the waste they throw can be utilized to its core to generate other products helpful to nature as well and this can only be done through the proper segregation and utilization of waste. Every household and every resident of each city and town should make it their habit to segregate waste into Wet/ kitchen waste, Dry Domestic waste, and Hazardous Domestic waste.

1. Taking Dry waste, for instance, Dry waste can be easily reused and recycled hence there should be an encouragement to reuse and recycle this waste.
2. The domestic hazardous waste should be burnt and converted to energy and fuels instead of dumping them in landfills
3. The wet waste should be used to make the soil fertile using vermicomposting and not thrown in compost pits.
These are some of how waste can be reduced, reused, and recycled

Ek din ki CM

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