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Student Name
Prathamesh Panchal
Technical Design
Ar. Shripad Bhalerao,
Ar. Karan Danda,
Ar. Amey Ghosalkar
Studio Conductors
Ar. Shripad Bhalerao,
Ar. Karan Danda,
Ar. Amey Ghosalkar
The agenda of the assignment was to understand concrete as a material and to test its capacity of withstanding long spans and cantilevers by form development.
1. The first step was to design 2-forms, one spanning horizontally and the other standing vertically. The material distribution and thickness of the form is crucial at this stage.
2. The second step was to erect a formwork to achieve the desired shape of the form. The formwork needs to be made accurately without any gaps between surface or else concrete may leak from that spot and lead to damage of the form.
3. Third step was placing reinforcement on the tension side of the form. This step also includes the analysis of form by identifying the tension points in the form.
4. The fourth step was mixing concrete, sand and water in the ratio of 1:2. The slurry must be such that it reaches all corners of the formwork. After pouring slurry into the formwork tapping was done to release trapped air bubbles.
5. After a day, the formwork was removed and curing of concrete was done for 2 days.
The form achieved was of desired shape without any cracks and deflection in the material.
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