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In-between Afterlife Terminal
Competition Name
Student Name
Palavee Patil, Suraj Ighe, Satya Sharma
Big Thing :After Life Terminal
Competition Brief:
The competition explores various different theories of philosophy and expresses it through proposing an imaginative typology for all belief systems that serves as an arrival space for all souls before they embark on their journey of afterlife.
The Idea of afterlife begins with immortal memories which are taken over by excitement about life beyond.The soul starts it journey from human vessel in form of dispersed energy which is summoned and compressed to spherical form at arrival space by spherical capsule summoners .As it swooshes out towards a central hall it starts recollecting its memories and emotions.Stepping in the central hall the vibes here ignites excitement about life beyond and memories starts fading.The central hall represent the tree of life ,its lights that lits with every new life born and dims with its way towards end.It holds record for whole life of person.This record is passed on with souls..The central spire throws a divine light continuously that creates excitement about what’s inside.Through the divine falling waters the inherited records from central hall decides its further path.
The central spire has a infinity light ray passing through center which excites them towards final leave to their new journey.They curiously move along the stairs to finally disperse to their afterlife .The twist here is that the souls experience the same excitement of afterlife without noticing that they actually changed paths according to their deeds .The one going to negative space have turned upside down which is still upside for them towards new life and is a new beginning.The bridge that remains firm in between shows that the initial path was same while it was them who decided the further paths with their deeds.Despite of this ,the departure for both remains as a exciting part for a new beginning of life towards light.Stairs at top opens through and through showing the break through from all barriers of life.
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