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The Courtyard Dairies
Competition Name
Student Name
Khushi Patel, Riya Godambe, Niket Vira
Archdais Studio Container
Competition Brief:
The aim of the competition is to design a designers work studio which can break the conventional model for small office spaces, and create a space that fosters innovation, collaboration and productivity.
The design aims at offering a spatial experience to the clients and a creative work environment for the designers while also acting as a perfect hub for cultural exchange in the form of exhibitions, art festivals, and recreational space for the surrounding commercial hub and IT offices. A studio is like a home to a designer hence in our design we have treated the container like micro-living units. We wanted to restore Baner’s status as an agricultural city amidst the rapidly growing concrete jungle by incorporating botany such that it becomes a part of their daily routine and calms their senses at the same time.
The intent was to create a flexible work environment that provides interaction among the designers in every part of the studio. The different spaces are tailored around a central courtyard which acts as a workspace full of natural atmosphere and flexibility. The journey of the client through the studio also revolves around this courtyard which is represented as a Storyboard. A Storyboard is a collection of cells that each depicts an image and together narrate a journey. Creating storyboards helps developers to think through a process in a step-by-step manner allowing them to design streamlined user experience. Likewise, while understanding the work culture, we also wanted the clients to be a part of this journey of developing a product right from the first stage to the final prototype.
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