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Student Name
Falmai Chheda, Rajaswi Patil, Amey Kodalkar
Allied Design - Urban Design
Ar. Yashwant Pitkar
Studio Conductors
Ar. Harshad Bhatia, Ar. Tushar Shetty, Ar. Amey Ghosalkar












The devastating Beirut port blast took many lives, their livelihoods and the blast left the port completely destroyed. The crater marks the incident and hence our entire design revolves around this crater keeping it as a center. This blast made us realize that simple planning methods can help avoid such accidents like multiple entry and exits, bunkers(emergency shelters) isolating the hazardous materials. Considering the above, port strategies were divided into 3 segments: Filling the economic void through revenue generation, Climate change & sustainability and Public interaction but maintaining the port security.
Port planning was divided into 3 segments: Public, semi-public and private. The Waterfront memorial is the key feature of this design it is a roundabout memorial for the people who lost their lives and is placed at the crater also provides as a waterfront to people of Beirut. The waterfront bridge acts as an axis cutting the port into private and semi-public port activities and is used for the common public. The paths and access are in a way which distinguishes and restricts public-private vehicles, humans and guides them through this port. To make the port self-sustainable solar panels and windmills have been installed.

Revamping Beirut

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